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Preparation of final written works at Biotechnical Faculty

  1. Information for students of 1st and 2nd study cycle (B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses)
  2. Information for students of 3rd study cycle (Doctoral Dissertation)
  3. Citing sources with EndNote and Zotero
  4. Responsible libraries and contacts

1. Information for students of 1st and 2nd study cycle (B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses)

The procedure with the thesis in the library follows the Rules on B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses. After the supervisor reviews and approves the thesis, the student sends the thesis in electronic form to the departmental library for plagiarism check. The library notifies the supervisor and the student of the percentage of overlap, which must be less than 30 % (excluding introductory pages, marked with Roman numerals, and references), otherwise the student is required to complete the work and return it for a another plagiarism check.

When the thesis is also approved by the reviewer, the student sends the thesis to the library for verification that the design conforms to the Instructions for the preparation of final written works at the Biotechnical Faculty. Open in new window

The student must also consider the specifics (length of the work, etc.) set by each department.

Conformity of thesis to the Rules is noted in the system by the library.


2. Information for students of 3rd study cycle (Doctoral Dissertation)

According to Rules on procedures for obtaining a PhD title at the Biotechnical Faculty the candidate must design the dissertation following the Instructions for the preparation of final written works at the Biotechnical Faculty Open in new window and Supplement to the instructions for the preparation of final written works at the Biotechnical Faculty Open in new window. The design compliance is checked twice at the responsible library, after the thesis has been approved by the supervisor and before the thesis defence. Each time, the library will issue a written confirmation. A plagiarism check is also carried out with an appropriate program in the library during the first check of design conformity. The library will notify the candidate, supervisor and co-advisor (if appointed) of the result of the check by email. If the work is not suitable, the supervisor, co-advisor and the candidate jointly agree on the elimination of the errors. At the request of the candidate and/or supervisor or co-advisor, plagiarism can be re-checked. 

TEMPLATE .doc Open in new window


3. Citing sources with EndNote and Zotero

EndNote and Zotero are two software tools for collecting, organising and citing sources. Both can be used by students in Word for in-text citations and for creating a list of references in accordance with the Instructions for the preparation of final written works at the Biotechnical Faculty.


  • In the free online version External link to EndNote Basic Online Open in new window, a way to cite sources is available among those offered (registration must be done from any computer on the premises of University of Ljubljana, membership is renewed in the same way after one year): It is called BTFeng_uni-lj.
  • Users of the paid version (EndNote 21) can download the file with the citation style via the following link: BF20250219eng.ens Open in new window.


The CSL file can also be used in Papers and Paperpile, among others. In Mendeley the citation style can be added using the following External link to link Open in new window.

The quality of the generated references depends on the quality of the imported metadata or on your own metadata input. When using any tool, some corrections are required due to software limitations, so the generated references should be compared with the Instructions.

4. Responsible libraries and contacts

Library / INDOC




1st cycle

  • Agriculture - Agronomy
  • Agriculture - Agronomy and Horticulture
  • Biotechnology
  • Landscape Arhitecture

2nd cycle

  • Agronomy
  • Biotechnology
  • Horticulture
  • International Master of Fruit Science
  • Landscape Arhitecture

3rd cycle

  • Agronomy
  • Biotechnology
  • Horticulture
  • Landscape Aarchitecture

Karmen Stopar, Ph. D.
01 320 3160


1st cycle

  • Biology

2nd cycle

  • Biology Education
  • Ecology and Biodiversity
  • Molecular and Functional Biology

3rd cycle

  • Biology
  • Cell Sciences


01 320 3306


3rd cycle

  • Bioinformatics
  • Bioingeneering in Health Sciences
  • Genetics
  • Nanosciences
  • Statistics

Simona Juvan, M. Sc.
01 320 3043


1st cycle

  • Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources
  • Forestry

2nd cycle

  • Forestry and Forest Ecosystem Management

3rd cycle

  • Environmental Protection
  • Managing of Forest Ecosystems
  • Protection of the Natural Heritage

01 320 3546



1st cycle

  • Wood Science and Technology
  • Wood Engineering

2nd cycle

  • Wood Science and Technology

3rd cycle

  • Wood and Biocomposites

Darja Vranjek
01 320 3607

Maja Valič
01 320 3606


1st cycle

  • Agriculture - Animal Production
  • Agriculture - Animal Husbandry

2nd cycle

  • Animal Science
  • Economics of Natural Resources

3rd cycle

  • Animal Science
  • Economics of Natural Resources

Jerneja Bogataj
01 320 3875

Nataša Siard, Ph. D.
01 320 3873


1st cycle

  • Food Science and Nutrition
  • Microbiology

2nd cycle

  • Food Science and Technology
  • Microbiology
  • Nutrition

3rd cycle

  • Agrifood Microbiology
  • Food Science
  • Microbiology
  • Nutrition

Lina Burkan
01 320 3705