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Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva 101, Ljubljana,
Dvorana Janeza Hribarja




The II Slovenian Bacteriophage Meeting will bring together bacteriophage researchers from academia and industry to foster connections within the rapidly growing phage field in Slovenia and beyond. The event aims to promote collaboration between academia and the public and private sectors and spread knowledge of bacteriophages among students. Following the success of the inaugural 2023 meeting, this expanded, full-day event will feature a scientific committee, opportunities to submit abstracts, apply for oral talks or poster presentations, and an excellent external speaker—all without a registration fee.


Keynote speaker: Professor Rob Lavigne

   Rob Lavigne

Rob Lavigne is a professor at KU Leuven, leading the Laboratory of Gene Technology. His research focuses on molecular microbiology, particularly in developing Artilysins™ and studying the Pseudomonas/phage interplay. He has pioneered work in phage diversity and engineered bacterial metabolism, earning an ERC consolidator grant. Lavigne has an international profile, serving as president of the International Society for Viruses of Microorganisms and chairing the ICTV committee on bacterial virus taxonomy. He co-founded P.H.A.G.E., a European non-profit focused on bacteriophage therapy, and has delivered over 50 keynote lectures worldwide.




And will be limited to 250 participants.

Registration form

Send your abstract:

Include title, authors, affiliations, max 250 words, name of presenting author, preferred form of presentation (oral or poster) 

Abstract submission closure date: 30 November 2024
*remember to register in addition to abstract submission

Registration closure date: 15 December 2024

The full schedule will be made available ~3 weeks before the meeting. 



Preliminary program

9:00 – 9:15 – Welcome by the organizers
9:15 – 10:00 – Keynote lecture  

Coffee break

Session I
10:30-12:00 – short talks

Lunch break

Session II
13:00 – 14:30 - short talks

Coffee break 

Session III
15:00. 16:30 – short talks 

Coffee break 

Poster session, drinks and snacks
17:00 – 19:00



Conference organizers:

