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Ikona iskalnik Ikona iskalnik
Gumb išči


Chair of Silviculture

Within the chair of silviculture we teach three basic subjects: Silviculture, Dendrology and Forest phytocenology . The main objectives of the chair are undergraduate and postgraduate education, scientific research and professional and consulting activity.



Head of chair: prof. dr. Jurij Diaci

prof. dr. Jurij Diaci (university teacher)
prof. dr. Robert Brus (university teacher)
asist. prof. dr. Kristjan Jarni (assistant/university teacher)
asist. prof. dr. Dušan Roženbergar (assistant/university teacher)
asist. prof. dr. Andrej Rozman (university teacher)
asist. prof. dr. Tomas A. Nagel (asistant/university teacher)
asist. dr. Gal Fidej (asistant)
Tomaž Adamič (technical assistant)
Matteo Cerioni (PhD student/researcher)
dr. Igor Dakskobler (researcher)


Pedagogical work

  • Academic study program:
    • Dendrology with breeding of forest trees
    • Forest phytocenology
    • Forest ecology and tending
    • Global change and forest ecosystems
  • Professional study program:
    • Dendrology
    • Assessment of forest sites with phytocenology
    • Silviculture
    • Special silviculture
  • Master study program:
    • Close to nature silviculture
    • Ornamental trees and shrubs


Current projects

