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Ikona iskalnik Ikona iskalnik
Gumb išči

Animal Science

The Chair of Animal Breeding Science consists of the following units:

  • Unit for breeding cattle
  • Unit for breeding pigs
  • Unit for breeding sheep and goats
  • Unit for poultry farming
  • Unit for breeding pet animals
  • Unit for horse breeding
  • Unit for aquaculture
  • Unit for animal genetic resources

Our mission is teaching, research and professional work in the fields of cattle breeding, horse breeding, pig breeding, sheep and goat breeding, poultry breeding, aquaculture, breeding of pets, ethology and sustainable agriculture. Quality work in all fields of work is made possible by our own educational research centres (PRCs): PRC for Animal Husbandry Logatec, Training Abattoir and Cutting Plant, PRC for Poultry Breeding, PRC for Horse Breeding Krumperk. We provide students in undergraduate and postgraduate studies and in programs of lifelong learning with knowledge about the breeding of cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry, pets and aquatic animal breeding, production and product quality through undergraduate, postgraduate and lifelong learning programs. In view of the increasing importance of sustainable farming and ethology in animal husbandry, we also communicate knowledge about animal-friendly husbandry and farming ethics. Within the framework of various research projects and in the context of bachelor's and postgraduate work, we conduct research in the fields of genetics and selection, the technology of breeding cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry and aquatic animals, ethology, the quality of production of beef, pork and poultry meat and meat from sheep and goats, and the quality of milk, eggs and fish. Rich and extensive experience in research and teaching activities, as well as the research results obtained, allow us to provide high-quality consultancy and cooperation in a wide range of professional and research tasks in the field of selection and breeding of cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry and aquatic animals, as well as in the evaluation of the quality of meat and eggs.

Head of the chair:
Prof. Tatjana Pirman
T: +386 1 320 38 04

Deputy head:
Martin Šimon, PhD
T: +386 1 320 39 29
