Content (Syllabus outline)

• In-depth theoretical background for the implementation of inquiry-based teaching at school and its impact on learners' knowledge, attitudes and skills.

• A selection of laboratory and field work that substantially cover the entire field of biology, and are in accordance with the biology and science syllabi for upper and lower secondary schoolshigh schools, middle school and elementary school. The content is grouped into the following main sections:
- cell biology,
- molecular biology and genetics,
- the structure and function of organisms (microorganisms, plants and animals),
- the ecology and interactions between organisms,
- evolution.

• As part of the course, students prepare various practical, laboratory and field activities (exercises) and present them to colleagues or schoolchildren. All activities are also evaluated from the point of view of application in the classroom and its relevance to the lesson. Special emphasis is placed on the transformation of classical practical activities into activities that enable students to participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of their inquiries.

• The importance and possibilities of integrating digital tools in the teaching of biological content (generic and subject-specific digital tools). The content addresses all competence areas envisaged by the framework for the development of digital competences.

• Linking the teaching of biological content to the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs).


Prerequisites for inclusion in the work: enrolment in the appropriate academic year.