Content (Syllabus outline)

Sort and form of forage production on grassland. Growth and development factors in grass sward as community, nutritional value in different developmental phases and production efficiency of grassland. Fodder production technology on grassland (fertilisation, nutrient balance, grass-clover mixtures, catch crops, weed control in grass sward, sward renovation). Connection between sward development and changes in nutritional value of grass sward when performed for cutting in intensive use. Elements of fodder production on grassland (arrangement of water regime, fertilisation for different purposes and intensity of utilisation, regular supply measures). Fertilisation plan for permanent and sown grassland. Dates and forms of grass sward utilization (cutting, grazing with different species of animals). Introduction of relative grassland in fodder crop rotation. Fodder crops as main crop for production of fibre forage. Plan of intensive fodder crop rotation. Fodder legumes and conditions for their establishment. Date and forms of utilization of important long term legumes. Constitution of grass-clover mixtures and selection of proper varieties. Production of silage maize and fodder cereals as energy rich source of fodder and catch crops (overwinter, additional and stubble) for the purpose of land greening (AEM). Composition of seeding plan for the purpose of animal feeding in the system of green fodder chain. Pasture feeding and extending the grazing season. Beneficial influences of grazing to soil and sward. Land arrangement to manage control grazing. Cutting and conservation measures of forage surpluses from pastures (wilting, drying). Chemical analysis and quality determination and nutritional value of fodder and feed. Feed classification. Procedures of forage ensiling on grassland, microorganisms and their influence on the course of ensiling, nutrient losses at ensiling, silage spoilages, ensilage additives. Drying herbage from grassland and sampling of fibre feed (fresh herbage, dried fodder, silage). Fodder budget on cattle farms. Costs of grassland utilization and forage production on arable fields and farming economy (farmer's working obligation, costs of veterinarian's services).


Prerequisites for the inclusion in the work:

Enrolment in the corresponding year of study programme.


Prerequisites for performing study obligations:

Successfully passed colloquium is a prerequisite to accede to the written exam.