Content (Syllabus outline)

The lectures cover three sections: (1) milk composition and dairying, (2) quality and safety of milk and dairy products (MDP), and (3) MDP in relation to nutrition and health. 
1. Macro- and micro-nutrients in milk; technological and nutritional value of milk proteins; development and economic importance; global milk processing; preparation and importance of different types of milk; differences between types of milk from a nutritional and technological point of view; consumption of milk and milk products. 

2. Quality and safety of dairy products; food safety management; HACCP in dairying; risk factors in dairy farming; quality parameters and comprehensive quality management; hygienic production of milk, sources of milk infections with MO; the antimicrobial system of milk; legislation in the field of microbiological quality of milk and milk products; finding current and applicable legislation covering MDP; milk as a functional food. 

3. MDP in relation to nutrition and health; myths about MDP; fermented milk products in the diet; hypersensitivity, lactose intolerance and milk allergies; MDP and incidence of different types of cancer; MDP and cardiometabolic diseases (T2D, CVD, obesity); MDP and dental and oral health; The importance of milk in different stages of life - growth and development, bone health (osteoporosis, rickets) 

1. Self-dependent evaluation of the quality of milk sample - simulation of the raw milk sample analysis for the client, preparation of the report with results

2. Production of a functional fermented milk product and performance of microbiological analyzes to verify the safety of incoming raw materials in accordance with the currently valid guidelines.

3. Control of the presence of aflatoxins and inhibitory substances in milk. Carrying out microbiological analyzes to verify the safety of the final product in accordance with current guidelines.

4. Analysis of whey proteins in whey from various dairy products. Reading the results of microbiological analyses.

5. Sensory analysis of the representatives of the main types of cheeses.


Prerequisites for the work:
- Entry in the corresponding year of study program
- Absolving subject of Animal Food Processing