Content (Syllabus outline)

Introduction to botany, its disciplines and their description. Basic characteristics of organisms, differences between kingdoms, particularities of plants. Place and role of plants in agriculture.

Development and structure (morphology and anatomy) of plants with emphasis on the horticultural and crop plants:

The cell-basic unit of life. Elemental and molecular composition of plant cell. Protoplast: cytosol, cell organelles: cytoskeleton, ribosomes, membrane and membrane organelles (ER, GA, peroxisome, glioxisome oleosome, mitochondria). Plastids. Vacuole. Nucleus, mitosis, meiosis. Cell wall.

Plant tissues: Meristems: primary, secondary meristems. Permanent tissues: parenchyma, boundary, absorptive, secretory, supporting, conducting tissues.

Organs: development, morphology and anatomy: 

Stem: development, growth and ramification; primary structure; secondary growth and structure; stem metamorphosis. Root: development, growth, primary structure and ramification; secondary root growth and structure. Primary and special secondary growth of storage organs. Mycorrhiza and other symbioses. Leaf: development, growth, structure, types of leaves, leaf metamorphosis.

Propagation of plants: sexual and asexual propagation, metagenesis. Flower, fruit, seed, seed germination. Coevolution of plants, animals and fungi.

Systematics -Taxonomy:

Fundamentals of plant classification. Species and cultivar. Basics of plant identification and nomenclature, International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants. Overview of the main groups of seed plants.


Conditions for inclusion in the work:

Enrolment in the appropriate academic year.

Conditions for performing study obligations

Attendance at laboratory courses and field work is compulsory. From plants collected in field trips student has to elaborate a herbarium of meadow and weed plants. Before exam student has to pass intermediate exams from laboratory course and plant knowledge