Content (Syllabus outline)

Introduction: physics as quantitative science, units, prefixes. Typical lengths, times, masses. Selected examples from animal kingdom.

Motion and equilibrium: steady and accelerated motion, circular motion; force, Newton's laws, mechanical equilibrium, momentum and collisions, torque and angular momentum.

Work and energy: work, kinetic, spring, and potential energy, conservation of energy; temperature, gas thermometer, internal energy and heat; Newton's law of gravity, gravitational potential.

Electrostatics: electric charge, Coulomb force, electric potential and voltage; electric field of positive and negative point charge, of dipole; superposition of electric fields and potentials; electric field of a charged plate and in capacitor; Gauss law.

Electric field in matter: field in conductor, inducted charge; capacity of capacitor; serial/parallel capacitors; dielectric material in capacitor; membrane potential.

Electric current:  galvanic cell, Ohm's law, serial/parallel resistors, Kirchhoff's laws, specific resistance, electric work.

Magnetic field: lines of force, permanent magnets, magnetic dipole, strength and density of magnetic field; magnetic field of straight wire, force on moving charge, force on current-carrying wire, force between parallel wires; Ampère's law, field in long solenoid; magnetic induction, magnetic flux; Faraday's law, Lenz rule.

Matter in external field: deformation of solids; Hooke's law, microscopic origin of elasticity, uniaxial load, Young's modulus, Poisson's number; shear deformation; flow. Matter in  electric fleid, conductors and dielectrics, effect of electric current on human body. Matter in magnetic field, dia-, para-, and ferromagnetism.

Selected examples: electric field within cell membrane; membrane-bound K+ ions; dielectric permitivity of cell membrane; action potential and speed of nerve signals; food intake and membrane potential; torque on a current-carrying loop; dipole moment, electric motor, magnetic braking; electrophoresis.

Oscillations: spring-mass oscillator, pendulum, period, frequency, energy of oscillator.

Waves: types of waves, longitudinal and transverse polarization, waves on string, wave length and frequency.

Sound, water waves, and electromagnetic waves: standing waves, sound, string, tube; Doppler effect; geometric shadow and diffraction; Huygens principle; interference; electromagnetic waves, dipole antenna; spectrum.

Light: speed of light, diffraction and interference, diffraction grating; geometric and wave optics, narrow/wide slit, rays; reflection, mirror; diffraction, speed of light in matter, refractive index; total internal reflection.

Lenses: apparent depth of immersed bodies, refraction in flat plate; image formation, focal length of lenses; real/virtual, erect/inverted image; lens equation, magnification; mirrors, formation of image; spectrum of visible light, prism, rainbow.

Systems of lenses and optical instruments: formation of image; microscope and telescope; reflecting telescope; eye, accomodation, short- and long-sightedness, corrective lenses, dioptre; thin layer interference and antireflective coating.

Modern physics: blackbody radiation, Stefan's law, Wien's law, Planck's law; photoelectric effect, Planck's constant; interference of particles; de Broglie formula.


Prerequisites for inclusion in the work:
· enrollment in year one of study program

Prerequisites for performing study obligations:
Problem-solving examination:
· presence at tutorials
· passed problem-solving examination