Study programme learning outcomes

The basic aim of the study programme is to provide in-depth theoretical knowledge of basic natural sciences, food science and food analysis, food safety, food engineering and methods of development and research. The graduate is trained for the most demanding and responsible work in planning, organizing, controlling and managing food production, for quality management with a focus on food hygiene and safety, for creating and developing new technological processes and new products, for work in control and analytical laboratories and inspection services, and for research work.

Mode of study

Only full-time study. Available enrolment slots: 35 for Slovenian and EU citizens, 3 for non-EU citizens, 2 for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, 2 for parallel studies.

Official duration of the study programme in credits and years

The second cycle master's study programme FOOD SCIENCE lasts 2 years (4 semesters) and has a workload of 120 ECTS. Students are required to complete 60 ECTS each year.

Name of qualification and title conferred

  • Master of Science
  • M.Sc.

Admission requirements

Candidates may enrol in the Master's study program Food Science who have completed at least:

a) a first cycle Bologna study programme (180 ECTS) in the field of Food Technology, or a comparable study programme at faculties in Slovenia or abroad;

b) a first cycle Bologna study programme (180 ECTS) in other fields at faculties in Slovenia or abroad, provided that the candidates complete other necessary study requirements. These requirements are set for each student individually by the competent Studies Committee and are determined in relation to the difference in the professional field. Candidates shall complete these study requirements by passing exams prior to enrolment in the master’s study programme. The requirements amount up to between 10 and 60 ECT.

Admission to the programme is also granted to candidates who have completed equivalent education abroad, and who enrol under the same requirements which apply for candidates who completed their education in Slovenia. Prior to enrolment in the study programme they must complete the procedure for recognition of education for the purpose of further study.

In case of limited enrolment the following selection criteria apply:
- candidates referred to in points a) will be selected on the basis of the average grade achieved during undergraduate studies.
- candidates referred to in points b) will be selected on the basis of the average grade achieved during undergraduate studies and the average grade of the exams appointed to them as a condition for enrolment in the master's studies. Each of these average grades counts as 50% of the candidate’s final mark. 
If several candidates referred to in the previous paragraph achieve equal final mark, preference will be given to those with a higher average grade achieved during undergraduate studies.

Number of applications and limitations in the past years: 
- 2024/25: number of applications (first priority): 24 – no limitation 
- 2023/24: number of applications (first priority): 33 – no limitation 
- 2022/23: number of applications (first priority): 28 – no limitation 
- 2021/22: number of applications (first priority): 40 – no limitation
- 2020/21: number of applications (first priority): 19 – no limitation
- 2019/20: number of applications (first priority): 25 – no limitation

Advancement requirements

Conditions for progression to Year 2:
A student may enrol in Year 2 if he completes 48 ECTS from study obligations of Year 1 by the end of the academic year. The competent Studies Committee may exceptionally approve the progression from Year 1 to Year 2 for a student who does not meet the requirement, if the student can provide justifiable reasons in accordance with the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana.

Conditions for repeating a year:
Students can repeat a year provided that they complete study requirements in a total amount of at least 28 ECTS.

During their course of study students may only once repeat a year or change their study programme owing to non-fulfilment of requirements.

Transfer between study programmes

A transfer between study programmes means termination of education in the first study programme and continuation of studies in another study programme. A transfer is possible only if the the candidates meet the requirements for enrolment in the new study programme. Tansfers between various study programmes for obtaining the same level of education is possible if at least 50% of ECTS of the first study programme can be recognised (i.e. if at least 30 ECTS can be recognised in the first year of the new study programme).

Transfers are possible:
a) for candidates from second cycle Bologna master's study programmes:
- in professional fields of the Biotechnical faculty UL. The candidates shall meet the requirements for enrolment. The requirements for completion of the study programme and the year in which the student is allowed to enrol are set for each student individually by the competent Studies Committee.
- in other professional fields and of other faculties. The candidates shall meet the requirements for enrolment. The requirements for completion of the study programme and the year in which the student is allowed to enrol are set for each student individually by the competent Studies Committee.

b) for graduates of pre-Bologna study programmes:
- from the academic study programme Food Technology: if candidates meet the requirements for enrolment, they are enrolled in Year 2. In order to complete the study programme, they shall complete 30 ECTS from compulsory and elective professional courses and successfully defend a master thesis.
- from academic study programmes in other fields: if candidates meet the requirements for enrolment, they are enrolled in Year 2. In order to complete the study programme, they shall complete 60 ECTS and successfully defend a master thesis.

Presentation proceedings and archive of proceedings

Food Science 2024-25.pdf