Hello and welcome to the Student Council of the Biotechnical Faculty SC BF’s (Študentski svet Biotehniške fakultete ŠS BF) and the Student Organisation of the Biotechnical Faculty SO BF’s (Študentska organizacija Biotehniške fakultete ŠO BF) website. The members of SC BF and SO BF strive to entertain the students of the Biotechnical faculty, banish boredom and are always available when in need of help.
If you haven’t had a chance to meet us yet, it is high time you did. Search through our social media, read a publication, join an excursion, learn something new by attending a workshop etc. Never forget that at Biotechnical faculty you are never alone – the Student Council, the Student Organisation and various other student societies of the Biotechnical faculty are always with you.
The Student Council of the Biotechnical Faculty
The Student Council of the Biotechnical Faculty SC BF (Študentski svet Biotehniške fakultete ŠS BF) is a body of the Biotechnical faculty that represents the students as well as their rights and duties. The members of the Student council are the student representatives, and they are the only legal and official student representatives in the Faculty’s structure. The Higher Education Act and the Statutes of University of Ljubljana stipulates the Student council the representative of opinions and interests of all students of the faculty (or the university) in its bodies. Furthermore, the Student council, in cooperation with the student community, also organises a wide-ranging and varied programme of extracurricular activities for our students.
To sum up, through the Student council the students can participate in the bodies of the faculty, as well as in the bodies of the university, and express their opinions, proposals and comments on various matters, which guarantees that our voice is always present and heard.
The president of the SC BF: Matic Hrabar
Vice-presidents of the SC BF:
Nina Barborič Kosec (quality of study)
Lana Trtnik (projects)
Urška Vajngerl (financial affairs)
Miha Kosec (study affairs)
The secretary of the SC BF: Nejc Pelko
Facebook page: External link to Študentski Svet BF Open in new window
Instagram: External link to @studentski.svet.bful Open in new window
The Student Organisation of the Biotechnical Faculty
The Student organisation of the Biotechnical Faculty SO BF (Študentska organizacija Biotehniške fakultete ŠO BF) is an organisation whose purpose is first and foremost to organise extracurricular activities for the faculty’s students. The SO BF is a branch of the Student Organisation of University of Ljubljana (ŠOU v Ljubljani). The Student Organisation of the BF, along with the Student Council of the BF and the Student Organisation ŠOU, also fights for the students’ rights at faculty, university and even at state level. The members of SO BF are all enrolled students of the faculty. It is run by a governing board, which consists of student representatives from every department and interdepartmental programme, a president, a vice president and a representative from the student council.
The president of the SO BF: Nikolina Mencin
Vice-presidents of the SO BF: Ana Kočevar Baloh
Facebook page: External link to ŠO BF Open in new window
Instagram: External link to @ Open in new windowExternal link to bovcka Open in new window
Linktree: External link to https://linktr.ee/bovcka Open in new window
Student societies
The Agronomy Student Society of Slovenia | |
The Biology Student Society | |
The Biotechnology Student Society | The Biotechnology Student Society consists of students who are interested in the field of biotechnology and related fields of natural science. It organises various events with regard to research, discussions with scientists, social events and participates in current affairs taking place at the Biotechnical Faculty UL. The purpose and goal of the society is to broaden the knowledge we gain in lecture halls with experience from the world of research and economy and thus enrich the whole educational for all members of our society. |
The Forestry Student Society | |
The Landscape Architecture Student Society (Društvo študentov krajinske arhitekture DŠKA) | |
The Wood Science and Technology Student Society (Društvo študentov lesarstva - DŠL) | |
The Microbiology Student Society of Slovenia (Društvo študentov mikrobiologije Slovenije - DŠMBS) | |
The Animal Production Student Society (Društvo študentov zootehnike - DŠZ) | |
The Food Science and Nutrition Student Society (Društvo študentov živilstva in prehrane - DŠŽP) |