Content (Syllabus outline)
- Phenomenon of adhesion.
- Conventional cold and hot gluing.
- High-frequency gluing.
- Dielectric properties of materials.
- Innovative technologies of wood bonding.
- Green wood gluing.
- Welding of wood.
- Rheology of adhesives.
- Gelation and vitrification of adhesives, TTT.
- Kinetics and models of curing of thermosetting adhesives.
- Methods for monitoring adhesive cure (DSC, DMA, DEA).
- Development of adhesive bond strength (ABES).
- Quality of adhesive bonding.
- Strength and energy approach for determination of adhesive bond.
- Technology of bonding of wood with other materials (metal, polymers, glass, stone, ceramics).
- Adhesives for bonding of wood and non-wood materials
- Modelling and optimization of bonding process.
- Research and development in the field of adhesive bonding.
1. Pogoji za vključitev v delo:
- vpis v ustrezni letnik študijskega programa.
2. Pogoji za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:
- udeležba na vajah. Pogoj za pristop h kolokviju je 80% prisotnost na lab. vajah.
- opravljen kolokvij iz vaj,
- oddano poročilo,
- opravljene vaje,
- predstavitev seminarske naloge.
Pogoj za pristop k izpitu so pozitivno opravljene vaje ter opravljen seminar.