


Department of Animal Science

Type of project

ARIS projects

Type of project

CRP - Our food, countryside and natural resources




14.03.2025 - 31.08.2025

Value of co-financing




Project manager at BF

Cividini Angela


As part of this research project, we first want to review, evaluate and analyse the existing model calculations for determining the level of damage in livestock (sheep and goats, cattle, horses, some poultry species). The entire literature in this area will be carefully researched, both the legal basis and the measures of the Common Agricultural Policy in this area. The factors considered in the modelling will be carefully reviewed and missing factors will be proposed based on the review and the involvement of stakeholders (breeders, experts). In this way, breeders’ expectations regarding the recognition of indirect damage costs will also be included in the calculation. We want to analyse and define the indirect costs resulting from the reduction in production-related income in the event of an attack by large carnivores. We will develop proposals for changes and additions to the model calculation including the indirect costs. The modelling will be in the form of an Excel spreadsheet with a description, instructions and a scale that can be updated according to the dynamics of price changes in the domestic market. We will organise an evaluation of the updated model calculation with stakeholders (breeders) and interest groups through workshops, presentations and meetings. Finally, the proposed calculation will be adjusted based on evaluation carried out and the model calculation will be implemented in the equalization process. 





The phases of the project and their realization

Work package


Title of the WP



The results



Review of the present calculation model

The review of the current factors included in the compensation system for the damage

Stanko Kavčič

The report in December and presentation to all researches in this project

December 2024


Review of the compensation payment system across different EU countries

Comparison and analysis of indirect damage costs (if any) included in the calculation models across different countries.

Angela Cividini

The report in December and presentation to all researches in this project

December 2024


To analyse and define indirect and transaction costs to the amount of damage in the event of an attack by large carnivores.

Analysing all proposed criteria for determining the compensation value for damage caused by large carnivores according livestock species and/or animal categories. Elaboration of a questionnaire for breeders. Carrying out the survey. Analysing the results of the survey. Identify factors affecting indirect costs, such as expected future yield of the killed animal (loss of income from milk production) or the costs already invested in the killed animal (indirect costs).

Stanko Kavčič, Angela Cividini

Introduction of the survey results in March to all researchers in the project. The list of factors that are recognized as indirect costs.

March 2025


Suggesting the improvement of the calculation model including indirect costs.

The new calculation model should be created in Excel on the basis of the results from DS3. The methodology for compensation calculation should be introduced. The instructions for updating the purchase price list including the instructions for use of the model calculation should be prepared.

Stanko Kavčič

The proposal of new calculation model which include the indirect costs will be prepared including the instructions for use of the model.


May 2025


Discussion and adjustment of the proposed new calculation model.

Organization of workshops for introduction of new calculation model. The aim is to introduce the calculation model to all groups of interest (breeders, Forest institute, Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Environment, Hunting organisations, …). Introduction of methodology, indirect costs. Adjustment of calculation model and introduction of final calculation model to public.

Angela Cividini,

Stanko Kavčič

Final model calculation

July 2025 and August 2025