Field od use

Laboratory equipment

Type of equipment:

Molecular techniques


Department of Microbiology


Chair of Microbial Ecology and Physiology

Responsible person

Source of funding


The equipment is available to external users by prior arrangement. The user can work alone or with an operator.


The real-time PCR enables sensitive and specific detection and quantification of nucleic acid targets by detecting and accurately discriminating between different fluorescent dyes with six excitation and emission filters (allowing up to 6-plex reactions). The device supports all commercial dyes in the excitation wavelength range 450-680 nm and the detection wavelength range 500-730 nm. The system is characterised by high flexibility, robustness and sensitivity (single copy detection). It allows the use of two different blocks: a standard block for 96 samples (0,2 ml) and a 384-well block. The device is used for gene expression analysis, determination of expression levels of reporter fusions, genotyping, determination of polymorphism at single nucleotide level and determination of the abundance of individual species/genotypes in a sample. 

Price list

The cost of using the research equipment for a qualified user is €35.04/hour.