Deal for Green? Contribution of managerial economics, accounting, and cross-sectoral policy analysis to climate neutrality and forest management
4.05 Managerial economics and accounting | 9.05.03 Cross-sectoral policy impacts on forests
Ljubljana, Slovenia | 25. - 27. 9. 2023
Welcome to IUFRO Ljubljana 2023!
Conference proceeding
Photo Gallery
Conference Background
Important Dates
Paper Submission
Conference Venue
Conference Programme
Keynote Speakers
Organizing Committee
Programme Committee
IUFRO World Congress 2024
Conference Proceeding
The conference proceeding is available at the repository. Please click External link to HERE Open in new window to access it.
Photo Gallery
Foto: Ajša Alagić, Slovenian Forestry Institute
Conference Background
In recent decades, the world has embarked on a journey to develop environmentally friendly practices for using natural resources while maintaining necessary economic growth. Around the globe, incentives are being created to achieve climate neutrality and accelerate the efficient use of natural resources, taking into account the well-being of society and the livelihoods of households. In particular, forests and forestry are the subject of multiple activities and measures to mitigate the negative impacts of local and global changes, which include changing climatic conditions, illegal logging, degradation and habitat loss, forest fragmentation, soil erosion, and decreased forest owner’s activity, among others. Forests are indeed crucial for biodiversity and for safeguarding various ecosystem services, which are increasingly recognized and valued by communities and EU policies. At the national and regional levels, they are governed by a number of interrelated regulations and are relatively well positioned under existing legislation. However, at the international level, inconsistencies persist and improvements are urgently needed to advance the issues and overcome existing barriers.
There is a great demand in society for various (forest) ecosystem services under uncertain conditions. In many parts of the world, the main focus of forests remains on wood products, which have been identified as the main source for the timber industry, energy sector, construction, pulp and paper industry, and households. The increasing demand for wood, combined with the energy and war crises, has caused the price of wood to skyrocket, bringing (again) new uncertainties for its use and supply. Yet, despite the optimistic visions of countries and unions to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, we are entering an era of "socio-technological gap" where no environmentally friendly energy alternative has yet been discovered and no location has yet been found that offers an alternative for the natural environment. Thus, we face increasing competition for natural resources - a situation that requires additional contributions from all disciplines and levels to improve it in a transdisciplinary effort.
The upcoming IUFRO conference in Ljubljana will address these issues, examining them from a variety of perspectives, including managerial economics, accounting, cross-sector policy analysis, decision making and optimization, operational research, and social and applied sciences. Both theoretical and empirical research and presentations are welcomed. In addition, the conference aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience among academics, researchers, managers, decision makers, and other interested parties at all institutional levels. Finally, the conference organizers welcome contributions that offer solutions for a transition to a carbon-neutral economy and better forest management for the benefit of humanity.
The conference is primarily targeting the following groups:
- Members of the IUFRO 4.05 Research Group and 9.05.03 Working Party,
- Members of all other interested IUFRO Divisions, RGs and WPs, and IUFRO Task Forces,
- Professionals, scientists, employees and students of the fields of forestry, forest economics and accounting, forest policy and natural resource management,
- Employees from forestry and forest-based administrations, land-use planners, forest owners and other interested stakeholders.
Important Dates
Friday, 02. 6. 2023 | Registration deadline
Friday, 14. 7. 2023 | Paper submission deadline
Friday, 8. 8. 2023 | Authors notification
Friday, 1. 9. 2023 | Registration fee transfer deadline
Friday, 15. 9. 2023 | Final programme
Paper Submission
Paper submission deadline extended to 14 July 2023. Send your contributions to e-mail Information to authors can be found in this TEMPLATE Open in new window. We encourage you to use the MS Word template and styles when preparing your contribution.
Conference participants who submit papers will, if they so wish, be assisted and guided in having their papers published in a peer-reviewed and indexed (indexed in COBIB.SI, CAB Abstracts, FSTA, EBSCO, CROSSREF, DOAJ, ROAD, Web of Science E-SCI) journal External link to Acta Silvae et Ligni Open in new window.
Conference regular registration fee is 220 € and includes admission to all sessions, conference materials (e.g. proceeding hardcopy, programme, sponsor materials), tea, coffee and lunch throughout the conference, gala dinner on Monday and admission to the get together evening on Sunday.
Students are entitled to a reduced registration fee of 130 €, which covers the same expenses as the regular registration fee.
Accompanying persons fee is 130 € and includes tea, coffee and lunch throughout the conference, gala dinner on Monday and admission to the get together evening on Sunday.
The post-conference field trip is not included in the registration fee. Additional 60 € charge applies for the whole day field trip (includes guidance, lunch, tasting, transportation) on Wednesday to southwest Slovenia and covers transportation, guided tours and lunch. Indicate whether you want to attend the field trip in the registration form.
Use the External link to REGISTRATION FORM Open in new window to register by June 2, 2023 (extended from May 19, 2023). After successful registration you will receive an automatically generated e-mail with the summary and all the banking details for registration fee transfer. Registration fees are in euro (€) and include VAT. Bank charges are participants expense.
Cancellation policy:
- Please send us the notice of cancellation via e-mail:
- For cancellation received by July 28, 2023 a full refund less an administrative charge of 30 € will be granted.
- After this date no refund is possible. For no shows no refund will apply.
- In the unlikely case that the conference cannot be held in whole or in part due to any event beyond the Organisers’ control or force majeure (such as riot, fire, explosion, accident, flood, earthquake, epidemic outbreak, sanitary emergency, etc.) the Organisers cannot be held liable for any damage, cost, or loss incurred, such as transportation and accommodation costs, or any other direct or indirect loss or consequential damage. We recommend participants to take their own insurance to insure against any such losses.
Conference Venue
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty
Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources
Večna pot 83
SI-1000 Ljubljana
How to get here?
By plane
At External link to Ljubljana Airport Open in new window take either the bus at the bus station near Passenger Terminal A in the direction Ljubljana Central Bus & Train station.
At the Central Bus & Train station take the bus number 18 towards "CENTER STOŽICE P+R" and get off at the bus station "VEČNA POT".
The venue is just at the other side of the street, a yellow building with address Večna pot 83.
By bus/train
Both busses and trains arrive at the Central Bus & Train station, from where you take the bus number 18 towards "CENTER STOŽICE P+R" and get off at the bus station "VEČNA POT".
The venue is just at the other side of the street, a yellow building with address Večna pot 83.
By car
Arrival from South: on highway A2/E70 take the exit "35 Ljubljana-zahod" and follow street "Pot Rdečega križa" and then continue forward on street "Pot za Brdom". At the crossroad then turn right and continue along on street "Pot Roberta Blinca" till a crossroad, when turn right on "Večna pot". Continue for 1,5 km to the venue on the right. Parking places are granted near the Faculty building.
Arrival from North: on highway A2/E70 take the exit "16 Ljubljana-Brdo / ZOO" and follow street "Pot za Brdom". At the crossroad then turn left and continue along on street "Pot Roberta Blinca" till a crossroad, when turn right on "Večna pot". Continue for 1,5 km to the venue on the right. Parking places are granted near the Faculty building.
Conference Programme
Sunday, 24. 9. 2023 | Get together evening
Monday, 25. 9. 2023 | Conference day I
Tuesday, 26. 9. 2023 | Conference day II
Wednesday, 27. 9. 2023 | Field trip to Slovene Istria
The programme is available for download HERE Open in new window (version 22.09.2023).
Keynote Speakers
prof. dr. Andreja Kutnar
InnoRenew CoE, Slovenia
Andreja Kutnar is a Full Professor in the field wood science at University of Primorska, Slovenia and director of the research institute InnoRenew CoE. From July 2020 to June 2021 she was a President of the Society of Wood Science and Technology. She is also a member of Young Academy of Europe. Her areas of expertise include wood composites, therm- hydro-mechanical treatment of wood, and adhesive bonding. In 2016, she was recognized with the “Prometheus of Science for excellence in communication” award for successful multi-level communication in wood science and supporting sustainable development. In 2018, she received the distinguished Zois Certificate of Recognition for important scientific achievements in the field of wood science. And in 2020, she was included in the prestigious European Commission campaign #EUwomen4future that draws attention to outstanding women working in research, innovation, education, culture and sport. Full bibliography is available External link to HERE Open in new window.
Title of the invited lecture: The New European Bauhaus Academy Pioneer Hub for Sustainable Built Environments with Renewable Materials Open in new window
prof. dr. Maria Nijnik
The James Hutton Institute, Scotland
Prof. dr. Maria Nijnik received her PhD in Economics from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1984 and her PhD in Social Sciences from Wageningen University, the Netherlands in 2002. She is also Science Group Leader of Land & People, within the Department of Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences, and Research Leader of Natural Capital Valuation of the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme. Maria’s long list of publications consists of scientific books, chapters, etc. and some 70 peer-reviewed journal articles (h index > 30). Her research interests include valuation of natural capital and ecosystem services; multi-functional forestry; forest policy and governance; social innovation and entrepreneurship; economic and institutional aspects of tackling climate changes through forestry; human and social dimensions, and international perspectives of global changes; sustainable development of rural areas, with a special focus on mountains, and with application of results in real-world situations. She coordinated several EC funded international research projects. Maria Nijnik is a SAB member of the European Forestry Institute (EFI), SAB EFI Observer in the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Policy Support in Europe, Science for the Carpathians Council Member, and Office Holder of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Coordinator of Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Unit 04.05.05). For more information visit External link to THIS Open in new window webpage.
Title of the invited lecture: Social innovation to address sustainability challenges and enlarge the opportunities provided by forests for a green and just transition of marginalised mountain areas Open in new window
prof. dr. Davide M. Pettenella
Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry (TESAF), University of Padova, Italy
Davide Pettenella is full professor at the University of Padova (Italy) where is teaching Forest economics and Marketing of mountain products and services. His professional focus is on forest products and services economics, with a special interest on the new markets for NWFP and forest services and the related CSR and ethical aspects in regulating the forestry sector and in creating new responsible markets (illegal logging, FLEGT and EUTR, PES, impact financing and ethical finance,…). He was visiting professor and teacher at the universities of Belgrade, Brasov, Lima, Lviv, Ljubljana, Khartoum, Palencia, Prague, Sarajevo, Suceava, Tirana, Truijlio, Valencia. He has been awarded 2 Honoris Causa degrees by the Universities of Lviv and Suceava and at the State Forest Academy in S. Petersburg. He has published more than 500 papers in the field of forest economics and wood products marketing as a result of his research activities and field works carried out within programmes financed by the European Commission, FAO, European Forestry Institute, World Bank, and by Italian national and regional institutions. The last years he was able – both as principal applicant and as co-submitter – to successfully acquire EU grants working in several research projects financed by the EC Framework Programs. Full biography and bibliography is accessible External link to HERE Open in new window.
Title of the invited lecture: Payments for forest ecosystem services with focus on CO2 removal Open in new window
prof. dr. Mersudin Avdibegović
Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mersudin Avdibegović is a full professor at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo (Scientific field: Economics, Policy and Organization of Forestry and Urban Greening). He studied, got his master degree and doctorate at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo. He attended postgraduate studies organized by the Norwegian School of Management BI, University of Oslo and the Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo. He is the representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the IUFRO International Council. He was a member of the IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and co-chair of the IPBES Working Group on Policy Instruments and Methodologies. He currently holds the position of Head of the Department for Economics, Policy and Organization of Forestry and Urban Greening.
Title of the invited lecture: Contribution of forest certification to sustainable development goals Open in new window
Organizing Committee
External link to Vasja Leban Open in new window
External link to Anže Japelj Open in new window
External link to Lidija Zadnik Stirn Open in new window
External link to Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh Open in new window
External link to Janez Krč Open in new window
External link to Kaja Plevnik Open in new window
External link to Zala Uhan Open in new window
E-mail |
Programme Committee
Lidija Zadnik-Stirn (chair, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh (co-chair, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Mersudin Avdibegović (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Don L. Grebner (Mississippi State University, USA)
Don G. Hodges (University of Tennessee, USA)
Christian Hoffmann (EURAC, Italy)
Anže Japelj (Slovenian Forestry Institute, Slovenia)
Ljiljana Keča (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Janez Krč (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Jussi Leppänen (LUKE, Finland)
Vasja Leban (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Mariana Melnykovych (Berner Fachhochschule, Switzerland)
Jitka Menhazova (Mendel University, Czech Republic)
Virginia Morales Olmos (University of the Republic of Uruguay, Uruguay)
Maria Nijnik (James Hutton Institute, Scotland)
Davide Pettenella (TESAF University of Padua, Italy)
Stjepan Posavec (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Lydia Rosenkranz (Thünen-Institut, Germany)
Laura Secco (TESAF University of Padua, Italy)
Metodi Sotirov (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Partners and Sponsors
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IUFRO World Congress 2024
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