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Ikona iskalnik Ikona iskalnik
Gumb išči

Animal Science

Members of the Chair of Genetics, Animal Biotechnology and Immunology develop new knowledge in the field of genetics and immunology, associated with applications in animal biotechnology, which we directly include in the educational process. An important guideline in fulfilling our mission is to perform high quality research as the basis for successful teaching. In this way, we provide students with lively contact with research work already during their undergraduate programs, especially during post-graduate studies. The chair develops research infrastructure, which enables analytical work and development and the conservation of biological resources for research in the field of applied biology of domestic animals.

Head of the chair:
Prof. Simona Sušnik Bajec
T: +386 1 320 39 44

Deputy head:
Assist. Prof. Jernej Ogorevc
T: +386 1 320 39 29
