More than 50-year history of the Institute of Dairy Science and Probiotics is characterized primarily by a number of organizational changes that were mainly the consequence of special circumstances in that period. These events can be summarized in several periods, namely:
before 1961
Dairying has as theme has been lectured at the Faculty of Agronomy (University of Ljubljana), even before Chair of Dairy Science was established. Prof. dr. Aleksander Konjajev, which in 1948 became professor of Dairy Science and Microbiology at the Agricultural Faculty (afterwards the Biotechnical Faculty (BF)) in Ljubljana. In addition to general food microbiology, he dealt mainly with dairy microbiology. In 1950, an agricultural engineer France Kervina already became teaching assistant of Dairy Science and Microbiology (prof. Konjajev) at Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry in Ljubljana. His postgraduate education was similar to postgraduate education of modern young researchers. In 1952 he went to USA on ten week international dairy course and in 1954-1955 on the 14-month dairy science specialization to Great Britain. With new knowledge and modern views, and thus approaches, he built the foundations of teaching, research and development. In 1961 France Kervina founded the Institute of Dairy Science, which has become the strongest dairy institute in the former Yugoslavia, a well-known abroad as well.
between 1961 and 1974
Research Station Rodica was established in 1967 with the decision of the Faculty Council. As stated in the Annual Report 1973, in addition to research and promotional activities, Research Station Rodica paid much attention to the education in the chairs of animal husbandry, food, dairy and meat technology. In 1967 as part of educational activities of the Institute of Dairy Science of Biotechnical Faculty, the Laboratory of Dairy Science was established. In the organizational chart in 1973, chairs are no longer mentioned but rather departments with units (Dept. of Livestock, Dept. of Food, Dept. of Genetics, and Laboratory for Meat) and the Institute for Dairy Science (IML), whose head was assist. prof. France Kervina and assist. prof. dr. Tatjana Slanovec as part of teaching staff.
between 1975 and 1981
In 1975, chairs which until then had acted as Research Station Rodica in Agronomic Department of Biotechnical Faculty, with self-management agreement formed Livestock Department of BF. Thus, in 1976 organizational chart, Chair of Dairy Science appears which, in addition to two employees with pedagogical degree (head prof. dr. France Kervina and prof. dr. Tatjana Slanovec), employed junior experts (9) and technical staff (8). In years 1977 - 1981 prof. dr. Tatjana Slanovec was head of the Chair of Dairy Science and sen. res. sci. Bojan Šobar as substitute. Bogdan Perko joins the chair as junior expert and in 1980 becomes assistant for the processing of milk (head prof. Slanovec). In 1978, Irena Rogelj joins the team as probationer and in 1981 becomes an assistant for the treatment and processing of milk (head prof. Kervina).
between 1982 and 1992
In 1982, Institute of Dairy Science (head prof. Kervina) reappears in the organization chart of VTOZD (Higher Education Basic Organization of Associated Labour – HE-BOAL) for Livestock with 4 chairs: Chair of Milk Production (head prof. Kervina, assistant Irena Rogelj), Chair of Milk Processing (head prof. Slanovec, assistant Bogdan Perko), Chair of Livestock Facilities Management (acting manager Bojan Šobar) and the Chair of Mechanization in Livestock (acting manager Emerik Valinger). In 1983, scientific councillor Emerik Valinger becomes acting manager of IML, and assoc. prof. Bojan Šobar his substitute. In 1984, Irena Rogelj becomes acting manager of the Chair of Milk Production and Bogdan Perko acting manager of Chair of Milk Processing. In 1985, prof. Franc Forstnerič joins the chairs of milk production and processing as an associate who participated in chairs until 1991. In 1991, assoc. prof. Bojan Šobar becomes the head of the IML and assist. prof. Bogdan Perko his substitute.
between 1993 and 2000
In 1993, chairs of milk production and milk processing rename in the Chair of Milk Technology (head assist. prof. Irena Rogelj) and in the Chair of Technology of Dairy Products (head assist. prof. Bogdan Perko). In 1998, assist. prof. Bogdan Perko became head of the IML and assist. prof. dr. Stanislava Golc Teger his substitute.
between 2001 and 2009
In 2001, institutes were abolished, 4 chairs were merged into the Chair of Dairy Science, of which prof. Irena Rogelj has become the head and prof. Bogdan Perko her substitute.
between 2010 and 2022
In 2010 the Institute of Dairy Science and Probiotics was founded (director prof. Irena Rogelj). Head of the Chair of Dairy Science becomes assist. prof. dr. Andreja Čanžek Majhenič and assist. dr. Peter Mohar Lorbeg her substitute.
from 2022 to present
In February, 2022 prof. Irena Rogelj retires and External link to Sen. Res. Sci. Bojana Bogovič Matijašić Open in new window becomes new director of the Institute of Dairy Science and Probiotics. Her deputy becomes External link to assist. dr. Patra Mohar Lorbeg Open in new window, who also takes over the management of the Dairy Laboratory. The head of the Chair of Dairy Science remains External link to assoc. prof. dr. Andreja Čanžek Majhenič Open in new window, and her deputy becomes External link to assist. prof. dr. Primož Treven. Open in new window