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What is remote access?

Remote access service is provided by the National and University Library (NUK), thus addressing the needs of the University of Ljubljana faculty libraries, along with the Central Technological Library, NUK, and public libraries. Supported by appropriate software and hardware, the service allows library members to access electronic resources no matter the place or the time he/she chooses to access the resources.

Remote access requires logging into the service with a library membership card number or with a student card number from the University of Ljubljana and a password. This protocol allows the system to verify user's identity and his/her eligibility to access the collection or the resource. The range of resources, available via remote access to individual member, depends on his/her membership status (University of Ljubljana student/employee, student of other University, non-University employee etc.) and the licensing terms.

How do I obtain a password for remote access?

Remote access can be used by active members of the libraries, participating in the system. If you are not a member, you need to register. A password for using remote access is the same as the password to use the 'My library' application on the COBISS/OPAC system, where you can see the list of your borrowed material or make the reservation of materials via on-line catalogue. Visit the libraries of Biotechnical faculty, where your password will be assigned to your membership profile. Your password is usable right after this assignation.

More information:

External link to MREŽNIK - NUK: Remote access Open in new window

External link to List of resources available by remote access Open in new window