
Knjiga Garden and Metaphor je angleški prevod knjige Vrt in prispodoba. Raziskuje sodobne koncepte (pre)oblikovanja narave, razkriva pomensko večplastnost vrta, ki presega njegovo samoumevnost in odpira vprašanja o bistvu vrta in o tem, kaj predstavlja. Mednarodno priznani misleci, ustvarjalci in strokovnjaki z različnih področij v njej v šestih poglavjih umeščajo vrt in z njim krajinsko arhitekturo v aktualne družbene kontekste. 

Knjigo sta uredili Ana Kučan in Mateja Kurir, s prispevki pa so sodelovali Catharine Ward Thompson, Janez Marušič, Pavel Gantar, Kinga Szilagyi, João Gomes da Silva, Saskia De Wit, Carl Steinitz, Udo Weilacher, Martin Prominski, Andrew Benjamin, Gerard Reinmuth, Lisa Diedrich, Urška Jurman, Dževad Karahasan, Ana Kučan, Miloš Kosec, Lilli Lička, Marc Treib, Davorin Gazvoda, Martin Rein-Cano, Aleš Vodopivec, Jure Mikuž, Jože Barši, Miklavž Komelj, Erika Bordon, Nadja Zgonik, Lev Kreft, Olaf Nicolai, Mladen Dolar, Dean Komel, Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Mateja Kurir in Barbara Habič Pregl.

V razširjeni, s fotografijami dopolnjeni izdaji je izšla pri založbi Birkhäuser.


Garden and Metaphor is an expanded and illustrated translation of Vrt in prispodoba brings together reflections by landscape architects, sociologists, architects, artists, philosophers and historians, organised into six chapters, which highlight different aspects of the garden in the Anthropocene: the garden as a place of community, the garden as art, the garden as a place of enchantment and delight, raising questions about what the garden might mean as a model for spatial planning and design.

"Never before had the garden to fulfil so many demands as it does today. It is a refuge from digitalised life and acts as a bridge to nature. As a man-made place where plants grow, it is cultivated and untamable at the same time. While for centuries the gardener's ambition was to control and subjugate nature, today it serves more as a place for retreat, a possible surrogate for wilderness, a habitat for animals or it fulfils the dream of self-sufficiency."

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