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Information resources


External link to Catalogue COBISS+ Open in new window

COBISS+: Searching for and reserving material in the shared catalogue of Slovene libraries and catalogues of individual libraries.

External link to DiKUL  Open in new window

Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana portal is a web portal that enables users to search in the central index of bibliographic data, which includes several million of subscription and open access resources of the most important international publishers and other providers of professional and scientific information covering all scientific disciplines. The portal enables University of Ljubljana users access to full texts of papers published in e-journals and to chapters of e-books. .

External link to Mrežnik Open in new window

Mrežnik is a portal containing more than 200 selected information resources designed to search for scientific, technical, and study literature.

External link to RUL Open in new window

The Repository of the University of Ljubljana enables deposit and preservation of electronic versions of diploma, master and doctoral theses, of publications of University employees as well as of research data.

External link to dLib Open in new window

The Digital Library of Slovenia - provides access to a wide range of digital contents in fields of science, art and culture. As an online source of information, it constitutes an essential component of the modern educational and scientific research process, and is one of the cornerstones of the information society development. Moreover, it ensures preservation of the Slovenian written cultural heritage in digital form, thus digital contents of the past and present will be accessible to future generations.

External link to Forest Science Database Open in new window

Access for Biotechnical consortium (BF, VF).

External link to Statista Open in new window

Find statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from over 22500 sources on over 60000 topics on the internet's leading statistics database.

External link to Web of Science Open in new window

The Web of Science (WoS) service provides access to multidisciplinary bibliographic databases with the following citation indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded® (SCI-EXPANDED), Social Sciences Citation Index® (SSCI), and Arts & Humanities Citation Index® (A&HCI).

External link to Scopus Open in new window

Scopus is a multidisciplinary bibliographic collection with a citation index assembled by Elsevier B.V. Scopus, the largest publisher of international scientific literature.

External link to DiRROS Open in new window

Digital Repository of Research Organizations of Slovenia