Central Biotechnical Library
Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday: 7.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Friday: 7.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.
Telephone.: 01 320 3043
Simona Juvan, M.Sc.
Head of the Library
01 320 3043
Tina Zorman, Ph. D.
data steward
01 320 3052
Special features
Central specialised information centres for Biotechnical sciences:
Head: Tomaž Bartol, (+386) 1 320 3161
Person responsible for verifying the classification of researchers’ bibliographic units: Simona Juvan, (+386) 1 320 3043
The tasks of the CSICs are as follows:
- participating in the optimization of methodological bases for managing researchers’ bibliographies,
- monitoring and supervising the compliance of the classification of researchers’ bibliographic units with the valid typology in the COBISS system,
- organizing arbitration in the case of a disputable typology (in cooperation with the ARRS’s Expert Bodies),
- editing bibliographic records in the case of incorrect classification of bibliographic units,
- managing bibliographies of Slovenian-born researchers working abroad and other researchers not included in research groups,
- participating in the integration of the COBISS system with foreign information sources,
- helping users find scientific contents,
- engaging in other relevant research activities.
The CSICs are coordinated by the External link to Institute of Information Science in Maribor Open in new window.
Useful links:
Central specialised information centres (External link to ARRS Open in new window)